Scroll of Desert Hell

planescape torment equipment ii403

Miscellaneous – Scroll

Requires Mage Class
Value: 1000 Weight: 0
Lore Req to ID:
  • Teaches User Desert Hell
  • Allows User to Cast Desert Hell

How to Obtain
  • Carceri (Warehouse) – Given by Ebb Creakknees

Hell’ is an oft-debated term. Some say Hell is Baator. Others, the Abyss. This spell proffers that nothing could be worse than the endless dunes and scorching heat of the desert.

This spell summons the scorching heat of the desert planes to scorch all enemies within sight. Enemies within range must save vs. spell or spontaneously combust for 4-40 pts. of damage. Even if they save, they still take half damage from the searing heat.

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