Scroll of Blacksphere

planescape torment equipment ii395

Miscellaneous – Scroll

Requires Mage Class
Value: 750 Weight: 0
Lore Req to ID:
  • Teaches User Blacksphere
  • Allows User to Cast Blacksphere

How to Obtain
  • Ravel’s Maze – Loot from Ravel Puzzlewell

This spell illustrates the power of Force, as a wave of concussive force explodes out in a 10′ radius that not only damages but imprisons as well.

The spell allows the caster to create a black sphere of force which explodes and causes 1-4 pts. of damage, + 1 pt. per caster level, to all creatures within a 30 ft. radius. Creatures failing a saving throw vs. spell are trapped in a 10-foot radius sphere of force for the duration of the spell. Even if they make the saving throw they still take damage from the blacksphere itself.

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