The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

What Makes Good Video Game Lore?

Lore. Love it or hate it, but at this point an entire library’s worth of text and background information is pretty much a prerequisite for any ambitious RPG. And if you’re going to do it anyway, might as well do…

The Elder Scrolls – Major Events in the Timeline

Whenever people praise Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls series, they never fail to mention its worldbuilding and lore. If you’re one of those people, or if you’re simply curious about the fictional history behind these games, you may be interested in…

The History of Bethesda Game Studios Video Documentary

Whether or not you’re a fan of Bethesda Game Studios and their style of open-world RPG, it’s hard to argue the studio’s impact on the video game industry, and especially its RPG-themed corner, what with them having the rights to…

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – A Look Back

If you have fond memories of Bethesda’s flagship The Elder Scrolls series, then you might enjoy this PC Gamer article that looks back at the fourth installment of The Elder Scrolls – Oblivion. The article touches on how the game…

What Kingdom Come: Deliverance Can Teach The Elder Scrolls

It wouldn’t be the usual release of a medieval open world RPG without a comparison to The Elder Scrolls series, so that’s exactly what GameSpot has done with Kingdom Come: Deliverance in this new editorial. The article focuses primarily on…

The Best Low-stakes RPG Quests

RPGs are not always about saving the world or making tough decisions with long-reaching implications. Sometimes they’re simply about getting blackout drunk and then dealing with the consequences, or helping a tree get its revenge on a long-dead lumberjack. And…

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Retrospective

With Morrowind and Skyrim always getting their fair share attention and/or nostalgia whenever Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls series is brought up, this Eurogamer article attempts to paint the fourth installment in The Elder Scrolls series, Oblivion, in a positive light.…

PC Gamer’s Favorite Sidequests

A new PC Gamer feature lists their favorite sidequests, and while it is far from comprehensive and mostly covers quests from third- and first-person action RPGs, it does feature quests from Baldur’s Gate II, Pillars of Eternity, The Witcher 3,…