Zombie Chimps Top Posts of 2016

2016 has come and gone, and what a year it’s been.  2016 was year filled with some excellent and truly top-notch games and gaming experiences. As we stride off into a brand new 2017, I think it’s time to look back at the top posts you read most in 2016.

No Man’s Sky Update First Impressions

After a fairly disastrous introduction to No Mans Sky, Hello games disappeared for a few months. The internet was a blaze but when they finally emerged holding a shiny new foundation update, No Man’s Sky had picked up a few lost fans along the way. I was one of them, if this review is anything to go on.

The Worst 5 Call of Duty Maps Ever

I’m not a Call of Duty player myself but when our resident FPS Pro, Jes talked us through his 5 Worst Call of Duty maps people stopped and listened.

It’s Over 9000

ZergID over 9000 League of Legends

It’s a picture, and not really sure what the deal is with it. But for it to be the 8th most looked at page on zombiechimp.com it has to be pretty darn special, right? Well, a lot of you thought so.

Symmetra Changes to Overwatch PTR

Symmetra has not been doing too well on the meta for quite a while now. She’s was situational and a little lacking in the fun department. So when we started to hear reports that Symmetra is being looked at on the Overwatch PTR, people got excited and rightfully so.

Witch Tricks in Sims 3: Supernatural

I am very surprised that this post is still receiving the sixth most number of hits for the entire site over the past year. Is it because Sims 3 is still found to be more fun than Sims 4? Well, it could be.

Overwatch Sombra Release on November

Another Overwatch post. This time the entire Overwatch player base was eagerly awaiting the introduction of their 23rd character, the hacker Sombra. After being teased with clues, and cryptic puzzles we were finally gifted with her introduction in the early months of November.

Craft the World Hints & Tips

This is a great game and if you haven’t hunted down Craft the World make it something to do in 2017. A Sort of sideways on Dwarf Fortress clone has you carving out a fortress in the landscape and defending it from the hordes of goblins, orcs, trolls and skeleton.

New League of Legends Champion: Kled

More exciting than the introduction of Sombra in Overwatch was the announcement of Kled in League of Legends. Kled rides into battle on his cowardly mount, Skaarl, and fights viciously to protect what he loved. The internet buzzed when he was announced.

Skyrim Special Edition – Bring on the Mods

When Skyrim Special Edition was announced we took you through the top 5 mods you need to look out for, to take your Special Edition to an even higher level.

Terragenesis iOS Review

So, number one on our Top Posts of 2016 List was this little review of an iOS game called Terragenesis. The concept of the game is simple even though its execution is not. First you choose a planet, and then by way of different technology attempt to terraform it to house billions of citizens. Increase or decrease the temperate, pressure, water and O2 but beware you never know what accident will befall your little green planet before your terraforming is complete.


So, those were our top posts of 2016. Will any of these survive the test of time to appear on our best posts of 2017 list? Guess we’ll have to see.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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