Zombasite Monster Profiles

Soldak Entertainment has been publishing some profiles on the monsters that players will have to fend in Zombasite, their upcoming zombies-meet-fantasy action-RPG, in the vein of their previous systems-driven titles, like Depths of Peril and Drox Operative. I highly recommend checking the link for a look at the actual models, but I’m going to quote a brief excerpt on the Zombie Hulk:

Zombie Hulk

Zombie Hulks are just as big and nasty as ever. Despite their size, they have learned how to hide well by lying in depressions and hollows, camouflaged amongst ground debris. The Zombasite and decomposing body both create a large mixture of gases compressed amongst rotting organs, dried life fluids, and decaying tissue. The volatile vapors are explosively released upon death.

Special Abilities: Hide and Death Explosion

Variants: Zombie Hulk (shown), Zombie Mammoth, Zombie Gargantuan, Zombie Behemoth, and Zombie Colossus

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