Zero Projekt Update

No Mutants Allowed is providing us with some updated info on FIFE-based indie cRPG Zero Projekt.

Our technical division made some very good progress which not only bumped our motivation to the next level but also the project itself. The biggest step was the development of our new framework which allows us now to not have to rely on the FIFE demo client (which has a completely different mission, so this step was important).

With the new framework we can not only develop faster, but also more flexible as it already has the shape of a ‘real’ game client – and debugging is much easier.

In the meantime, the FIFE project released 2008.1 which allowed us to even improve the framework with the new features of FIFE – like the update to guichan 0.8.1 and the greatly improved version of the editor client.

Here are some of the highlights of our technical development:
* object interaction (PC – NPC; PC – objects like doors / lockers etc.)
* testcode for the new renderers FIFE provide (generic render, cell highlighting or floating text render – which are more flexible to e.g. realize a falloutish cursor highlighting by painting a red hex 🙂 )
* maplogic module to give maps individual interactive objects (NPCs etc.)
* integration of the ruleset module in all necessary areas of the code
* first combat visualizations
* prototype for Drag’n Drop
* FSM-AI (Finite State Machines)

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