Yet More Equipment

Well folks, this will be the last update you’ll see on this server. As I type this, data is transferring to the new one. Once it’s done, it’s just a matter of some DNS changes and time. I will post another news item after this one with the specifics.

Updated Pages: Cespenar’s Forge (includes Angurdaval +5, Firetooth +5, and Taralash +5), Bracers (includes Tzu-Zan’s Bracers), Crossbows (includes Firetooth +5), Helmets (includes Wong Fei’s Ioun Stone), Leather Armor (includes Studded Leather of Thorns +6), Long Bows (includes Taralash +5), Long Swords (includes Angurdaval +5), Shields (includes Darksteel Shield +4), Wands (includes another location for the Wand of Cursing)

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