Xenonauts Kickstarter Project Update #13, $149,000 and Counting

Xenonauts’ Kickstarter fundraising drive clearly had a successful run, with $148,906 raised at the time of this writing, so with only 3 hours to go, it’s not gonna be surprising if the team manages to reach the $150,000 stretch goal outlined in their latest update.

Since it’s probably going to be the last update before the fundraising drive closes, I’m going to quote it in its entirety:

We’ve reached $141,960 with 13 hours left to go, so the Soviet Town tileset has been confirmed. I’m pleased about this for two reasons; firstly because it’ll add more variety to the game and secondly it’ll make the game feel a bit more more global. The Cold War setting of the game is a bit meaningless if the USSR doesn’t feature much, but that’ll be a lot less of a concern now. Plus, blocky Soviet architecture is perfect for a tile-based battlefield too!

So, the next stretch goal is miles away at $165,000. It’s possible we could get there based on how good the last 24 hours has been, but really the milestone we’re interested in is $150,000 – it’s a nice round number and represents 300% funding for us.

Tileset-specific AI soldiers would be nice to have in the game, and if we can share rigs and animations with our existing models then (hopefully) it won’t be vast amounts of work. So if we can hit $150,000 and our 300% funding milestone, we’ll put them in.

Based on yesterday, we could probably raise another $8,000 in the last 13 hours with or without the new stretch goal, but we’ve had a really good run in the last couple of days and we want you guys to be celebrating it just as much as we are!

This will probably be our last update before the Kickstarter closes. I just wanted to say that we really appreciate all the support given to us all the way through the project, and the Kickstarter has been a great experience for us. Not only did it raise a vast amount of money for us to spend on development, but it hauled us out of our development bubble and put us in very direct contact with thousands of backers and lots of views we wouldn’t necessarily have encountered otherwise.

This has not always been a comfortable experience, but it’s made us change our approach on a few things and given us food for thought on others. On reflection, I think it has been helpful for Xenonauts and will be for any future projects we work on too.

Overall it’s been a great 33 days and I hope the next 13 hours are even better! Thanks everyone!

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