Xenonauts Kickstarter Campaign Ends at $154,715, Post-funding Updates #14-15

Not only has the Xenonauts campaign concluded successfully, raising $154,715 in the end, but the team has released two new post-funding updates, “>the first dedicated to explain what the team will be working on now that the Kickstarter project has ended, and the second to briefly clarify when the Desura keys will be out. A quote from the first:

For those who have pledged for Premium pre-orders, we’ll be creating an area in our forums where the Premium pre-order rewards will be able to be claimed once they arrive. A message will be sent out tomorrow explaining how this will work.

If you’ve pledged at a level of $50 or above, and so will be recieving extra rewards, we’ll be sending out a survey tomorrow that will capture your chosen rewards and the details required to send them to you. Again, we’ll send out messages to these groups with more specifics tomorrow.

Finally, the money that has arrived in our Amazon account is about $10,000 short of the amount pledged, once fees have been taken into account (although it is creeping up by the minute). This shortfall has been caused by payments bouncing. If this has happened, you’ll have an email from Amazon and I think they’ll be chasing you over the payment too.

In closing, I’d just once again like to thank everyone who helped us out either by backing the project or by spreading the word over the course of our Kickstarter on behalf of the entire team. We really appreciate it, and from tomorrow morning we’ll redouble our efforts on getting this game finished as quickly and to as high a standard as we can.

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