Xbox Delay, Score one for the Cube

What’s it all mean Basil? Well it means that according to this BBC report, the Xbox will be delayed exactly one week until November 15th, putting it into direct competition with Nintendo’s Gamecube. Also, here’s another report from the LATimes in which an analyst says that the delay is basically due to shortages in unit production. Thanks to Blue’s News for the updates. Here’s a little bit from the Time’s report:

If Microsoft scales back its volume, it would represent a “second black eye,” said P.J. McNealy, senior analyst with GartnerGroup Inc. “The first black eye was when they pushed the Japan launch date to next year. It would be a big misstep, because they’re trying to make a good first impression here.”

Despite how completely gorgeous Dead or Alive 3 looks, I’m still firmly and happily awaiting my GameCube. I might snag an Xbox maybe in the future… a big maybe.

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