X-Men Legends Reviews

Another sizeable batch of X-Men Legends reviews hit the web this weekend, and they’re all fairly positive. The first can be found at 1Up with an overall score of 8/10:

If an absolutely brilliant story, finely detailed characterization, and faultless attention to canonical detail are what you’re after, then, X-Men Legends is not what you’re looking for. If you want a good game, though, and an especially good game to play with a couch full of superhero fans, this is the game to get.

The second is at TeleFragged with an overall score of 90%:

X-Men Legends brings plenty of new features and fun to the action-RPG genre with AI buddies to fight beside, good four-player cooperative action, and plenty of new powers and extras to dig through. X-Men fans will find this a must-buy, and everyone else will still wind up enjoying this game for its solid gameplay.

The third is at Xbox Evolved with an overall score of 8.5/10:

In the end, X-Men: Legends is a solid action-RPG that relies heavily on the popular license and a well-written story that should satisfy fans of the genre. Despite some less-than-stellar A.I. and a simple combat system, the game does enough right to keep most people interested until completion, and it combines a pretty decent length with plenty of variety and unlockables to offer a bit of replay value in the process. Add to that a solid multiplayer component that allows up to four people to take on the Brotherhood together, and you’ve got enough reason to go back time and time again. Activision has taken the X-Men license and wielded it perfectly, creating a game that emphasizes teamwork by giving players the chance to take many of their favorite characters out for a test drive all at once. Fans of the comics or films are probably going to enjoy this one more than those who couldn’t care less, but the gameplay mechanics are solid enough to ensure that everybody who enjoys an action-packed role-playing experience should still find a lot to like about it. RPG fans who’ve felt a bit neglected by their trusty Xbox in the past shouldn’t hesitate to pick this game up. Whether you’re a fan of the comics or just love a good action-RPG, X-Men: Legends is a worthy addition to any gamers’ collection.

And the fourth is at Game Over Online with an overall score of 83%:

However, even with the technical snafus that sometimes plague Legends, this is still the best X-Men title ever produced. The Action/RPG elements are nicely integrated within an epic storyline with plenty of intrigue and a huge amount of gameplay that can take 20 hours or more to fully complete. Comic book fans will rejoice at having a title in their collection that finally does a renowned franchise justice.

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