X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Reviews

The reviews continue to pour in for Activision and Raven’s X-Men Legends sequel, and they all seem to be pretty positive. The first is at GameShark with an overall score of “B+”:

In the end X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse is one of the best games this year for the PSP and one of the only solid RPG experiences out there right now. If you love the X-Men, or decent action RPG’s than you owe it to yourself to give this game a shot – and if you’re a gamer on the go then this game is even more of a perfect fit for you. Buy it or rent it today!

The second is at Gaming Excellence with an overall score of 8.8/10:

X-Men Legends II does what every sequel tries so hard to achieve; change and tweak enough to make the game better, but provide enough new content to make the whole experience seem fresh. The only thing I can say to that is simply that Legends II is a much better game then the first and every gamer, regardless of their comic book knowledge, should grab this one and experience all that it has to offer. Many have tried to make a cohesive game with one superhero and failed miserably. Activision and Raven Software happily give you dozens of unique mutants to toy around with and pull it off (again) with ease.

The third is at Ferrago with an overall score of 79%:

X-Men Legends II: Rise of the Apocalypse could suitably have been named ‘X-Men Legends II: More of the Same +’, for that’s what it offers. If you liked the first game then you’re bound to relish the opportunity to do it all again with a fresh group of characters available and a load of new levels. Legends II is yet another example of how superhero games should be done, with over the top special effects, non-stop action and huge bosses. If you don’t mind an underwhelming musical score and can put up with the oft confusing layout and loading times of the menu screens then there’s nothing to say you won’t enjoy the latest in a series that looks to have a bright future ahead of itself.

And the fourth is at Warcry with no overall score for the PSP version:

Where Rise of Apocalypse shines is in its cut scenes. I know, I know. Cut scenes bad. Whatever, they’re pretty, and they really make use of the PSP’s dimensions. This part of the game is beautiful, and merits watching. I actually pulled people away from their desks at WarCry’s gaming version of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory to take a gander. It was just that cool. When they returned to their whirling gizmo machines that pump out quality content for you, the reader, to enjoy, their worlds were slightly less vibrant and colorful. I’d like to think I made a difference on that day.

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