X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Reviews

A handful of new reviews for Activision and Raven’s X-Men Legends sequel have been published over the past few days. The first is at VGPub with an overall score of 8.2/10:

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse is a very good game, but it’s easy to point out aspects that could be better. If you’re a fan of the comics, you should definitely consider picking it up, but unless you have a compelling reason to get the PC game, I’d recommend the console versions instead. The Legends series continues to be above average. Here’s hoping future entries will be improved further.

The second is at 2404.org with an overall score of 8.4/10:

X-Men Legends 2 is easily better than the original game in nearly every category. In fact, it may be the best X-Men game ever created, beating out the previous four-player Arcade game that I spent hundreds of dollars playing as a child. I definitely recommend this game to fans of the action and action-rpg genres. However, if you are only a lukewarm fan of action games (which feature sometimes repetitive objectives and gameplay) than this may not be the game for you. Once again I am pleased to both play and review a PC version of a console game that is just as good, if not superior.

The third is at Xbox Solution with an overall score of 8.5/10:

X-Men II is a great game but not perfect. It does have some long load times and online issues. It also is a blast to play and a story that has more twists and turns then any I have played before. The writers alone need to be complimented on a great story and a way to add the older characters without making it just seem pointless. The destruction in each level is great and the moves and facial expressions show that the game was really thought out. A great game to play with friends offline or online but again I would recommend playing it with those you know.

The fourth is at AllXbox with an overall score of 4.5/5:

The possibilities are endless – and yeah, I still want more X-Men Legends, too. You won’t catch me saying this very often, as I’m not a big fan of yearly installments, but as long as Raven can keep up this pace – and for as much of the X-Men’s ‘backstory’ that has been incorporated into the two games so far, it barely scratches the surface of thirty years’ worth of plots and characters – I’d look forward to spending a couple dozen hours with the X-Men each and every year.

And the fifth is at BonusStage with an overall score of 8.5/10:

Overall I felt that this was a great addition to the Legends series. There is definitely enough content to garner a sequel and fans of the series have been clamoring for an online mode since the its inception. Though there are a few bugs that rear there head from time to time, you can always find a way to work around them and continue playing. In total, the story mode alone took me around 25 hours to complete, so it’s not a game for those looking only for a quick experience. All things considered, I give X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse an 8.5.

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