X-Men Destiny Reviews

We have rounded up some more reviews for Silicon Knights’ attempt at injecting RPG elements in the X-Men universe, though judging by these reviews, not only are these RPG elements weak, but the X-Men Destiny as a whole isn’t robust and worth our time.

The Escapist, 1.5/5.

What really got me about X-Men Destiny was that despite the fact you’ve only had your powers for about five minutes, everybody – Mystique, Cyclops, Colossus, everybody – is more than happy to let you call the shots and boss them around. Sure, they’ve got years of training and experience, but clearly you’re the best choice to go head to head with the giant robots.

GamrReview, 5.0/10.

Now, did you decide? Are you enough of an X-Men fan to sit through mindless, button mashing action, where you don’t even get to play as Wolverine, Cyclops, Magneto, or any of your favorite X-Men? I know, it’s very tough, especially since it will only take about eight hours to complete, and much less if you could actually skip cutscenes. However, when you take into account that the entire game, from voice acting, to visuals, to combat, to powers is completely and utterly uninspired, I think the choice is clear: pass on this mediocre mess of rehashed gameplay features and read the comic itself if you want to experience the only good Destiny has to offer. X-Men: Destiny is not really an awful game, it’s just awfully freakin’ boring.

Critical Hit, C-.

Unfortunately, none of this makes up for X-Men Destiny being an unfinished release that not only feels like a previous gen game, but is actually inferior to a particular related previous gen series. If you’re wanting some sort of X-Men videogame, I recommend spending your money on (or replaying) X-Men Legends instead. Your time (and money) will be better spent.

PSX Extreme, 4.3/10.

X-Men: Destiny trips and stumbles out of the gate, and never gets going. Way too many problems hold it back; the shortcomings range from control to story to presentation to technical elements, etc, etc, etc. It’s just a really disappointing production and one that isn’t even worth a rent. Most simplistic, button-mashing action games are worth a few bucks on a rainy day, but there are just way too many other cheap – and playable – options out there. Forget about this mess.

Team Xbox, 5.5/10.

In the end is X-Men Destiny worth your hard earned cash? The majority of comic book fans will probably be able to get by on a rental. The main campaign will last you between 5 – 7 hours and there is little reason to replay the game. Regardless of which power or character you choose dialog options and choices are almost identical across multiple play-throughs. Small annoyances like low quality environments and repeating enemy models may deter some players. One bright spot is the dialog, written by longtime comic book writer Mike Casey.

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