E3 Updates has updated their continous E3 coverage with the latest two items:

First is their demo report

Our first appointment at this year’s E3 was with World of Warcraft Producer Shane Dahiri who was to take us on a tour of the E3 game build and we were in for a treat as the game has really moved on since we saw it at E3 2003.

Our demo kicked off in the Wetlands, a swampy area just outside the Dwarven lands, you may remember it from the recent gameplay movie. After a quick wander around Shane jumped our character to a sunken ship just off the coast of the Wetland area. The character swam through a hole in the side of the wreck and then climbed aboard the vessel. After a quick demo of the swimming once again Shane explained more about the game’s PvP which has been a hot topic of discussion.

…and here’s some unofficial video footage you can check out.

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