Interviews Blizzard’s Bill Roper

German site has posted an English version of their interview that they conducted with Blizzard’s Bill Roper. Here’s a snippet:

Team Hi Bill. Early on we have seen the fantastic graphic of World of Warcraft but now let’s talk about some game specific things. First of all, we want to know if there will be a level cap…

Bill Roper: Yes, there will be a level cap, but the number is not set by the team yet.

Team What happens if a player reaches this cap?

Bill Roper: You mean the further motivation to play. First you will have to do a lot of combat to reach the level cap. You will have to come together to combat the high level monsters…

Team … well, will you implement stronger monsters or special monsters?

Bill Roper: You can always do things like that, because we have live teams. They will always be able to add new stuff, for example stronger monsters, that are 10 levels higher. If people are for example looking for a special challenge and say: “Hey, we want a monster, which needs 200 people to kill!” we can do this. That´s the great part of a live team.

Team Have you any idea, if there will be Realm vs. Realm fights, like in Dark Age of Camelot?

Bill Roper: We definitly want to have areas where players will be able to fight other players. PvP is an important part, we also like it. There will be specific places in the world where you will go to fight other players.

Team Will there be war between the races? For example Orcs vs. Humans that are directed by the live team?

Bill Roper: Obviously we have built up some natural alliances in the Warcraft Universe. We want you to reflect those in the game as well; we want players to be able to set differences in their behaviour, for example Orcs and Humans are natural enemies but a human player can work to be accepted by Orcs. But then, he will be known as an “orc lover” (Bill laughs), what is possibly not the best for his reputation.

In PvP there can be war at some natural sites but we don’t want to make a strict realm structure. If you want to fight for every side you want, you can make a mercenary type, or be a strict paladin for the humans who never decides to fight for the Orcs. But it won’t necessarily mean that we have setups where we have got a GM sponsored event. We can do that but we want PvP to take place in certain areas.

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