World of Warcraft Wins Most Anticipated MMORPG

RPGDot has announced the winner of their “Most Anticipated MMORPG” for 2004, and the award goes to World of Warcraft. An excerpt:

Blizzard is known for the quality of its products. Their franchise names alone are synonymous with quality in PC gaming. And so, it is without surprise that WoW finds itself on the top of the list of most anticipated MMOPRGs for this year. The quality of the Warcraft strategy games is a good basis to build an online game on, and one can only hope that it will translate well. Given Blizzard’s history, we should be assured of having a stable, well balanced product, which would be a first in the genre’s history. Should we expect any less? History advises us that we shouldn’t expect as much, but we’re hoping that we’ll be pleasantly surprised. Now all that’s left for us is to hope that WoW will really be coming out this year.

Additionally, Middle-Earth Online took second place and EverQuest II took third place.

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