World of Warcraft Updated Preview

GameSpot has released an updated preview of Blizzard’s World of Warcraft, based on the MMORPG’s most recent patch. Check it out:

The travel system has been improved, with new flight lines added between almost all areas and the introduction of zeppelin flights and boats to the game. Zeppelins and boats are used to cross between the continents of Azeroth and Kalimdor. They run constantly, so riding them is just a matter of waiting at a drop-off point until the craft appears again; then you hop on. The cross-continent trip currently doesn’t take much time at all (there’s currently a “warp” in the middle with a superimposed map screen), and the craft are accessible to both Horde and Alliance characters, making trips on the faction-versus-faction server risky business.

World of Warcraft also continues to quietly improve in other ways. Some new spell graphics have been added to certain spell lines, and new models were introduced to the tiger and panther mounts used primarily by the night elf race, making them larger and giving them a more fearsome appearance. Water surfaces in the game, which were previously opaque, are now translucent and allow you to see through the water and waves to what lies beneath. Additionally, subtle waves and ripple effects have been implemented in the game for when you swim or walk through water. As Blizzard continues to polish its massively multiplayer experience, new musical themes and sound effects have also been added to various areas in World of Warcraft.

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