World of Warcraft: The Hunter Class

GameSpy has written up a two-page article that details World of Warcraft’s newly added Hunter class, as well as some of the other features added by Blizzard’s recent patch for the game. An excerpt to follow:

Hunters are the only class that begins the game with a ranged weapon. They may wield a bow and arrow or a gun, depending on which race the Hunter is (Undead, Humans and Gnomes can’t become Hunters.), and many of their special powers seem related to their ability to attack from a distance. Serpent Sting and Arcane shot are poison abilities that wield damage over time to targets and also take no time to use, essentially giving the player a free ranged shot. Concussive shots daze a target, slowing it down. All of these combine to allow Hunters to do significant damage to creatures before they can even get within range to strike. Unfortunately, the Hunters physical vulnerability puts him or her at a disadvantage against creatures with their own range attacks as a Hunter’s strikes don’t seem to interrupt or slow down spellcasting.

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