World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Q&A has published an interview with Blizzard’s Shane Dabiri, in which the lead producer answers several questions about the upcoming World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade expansion pack. A snippet, as usual:

Q: Why did you choose to concentrate on the Outland for this expansion? What is it about the zone and its lore that makes it ripe for development?

A: Outland just made the most sense to us for a number of reasons. Because of the recent events of the world as depicted in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Outland worked well as an expansive new region that would be familiar to a large portion of our player base. Also, thanks to the adventures of Prince Kael’thas in the RTS game, the blood elves, one of the new races we’re introducing in the expansion set, already have a connection to Outland. Furthermore, it’s important to us to maintain as much continuity with our lore as possible, and sending players to Outland allows us to reintroduce an extremely infamous villain to the game world: the night elf demon hunter Illidan. In addition to all this, Outland gives us an opportunity to illustrate that the Warcraft universe is huge, comprising multiple worlds. The central threat of this universe is the Burning Legion, which will of course play a large part in the expansion.

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