World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Preview

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with a short preview of the new high-level Karazhan dungeon available in The Burning Crusade expansion pack. Check it out:

The decrepit tower of Karazhan once housed one of the greatest powers Azeroth has ever known: the sorcerer Medivh. Within its halls and corridors, he summoned all manner of otherworldly beings, researching magics no other would dare touch. Karazhan now stands abandoned; with its master gone, the monstrous things and untamed powers have grown unchecked, waiting to pounce on whoever is brave or foolish enough to enter its halls. Forge a group of ten stalwart adventurers and journey to the wasted land between Duskwood and the Swamp of Sorrows known as Deadwind Pass, where the mystical tower lies. Only the strongest need apply: only those who have achieved level 70 are skilled enough to face what lies within.

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