World of Warcraft Takes A Rest

GameSpy has posted a new article entited “World of Warcraft Takes A Rest“, in which they detail Blizzard’s new resting system in World of Warcraft and its advantages & disadvantages. An excerpt to get you started:

Let’s get this straight. I am a casual gamer, I’m probably the biggest beneficiary of this new system and I still think it’s wrong. Why? A couple of reasons. Let’s start out with a particular players gaming patterns. I’m 35 years old. I’ve got a job and a family and a mortgage. My gaming time is limited to a couple of hours at night and maybe three or four hours on the weekend. My play patterns seem to be what this system was designed for, but what about other gamers? What do you do about the gamers who only play Saturday afternoon and go through Sunday afternoon? Don’t they qualify as casual gamers? When my wife and the baby go away for a couple of days to visit my in-laws that’s my free gaming days – except that Blizzard’s system has taken that away from me. What about gamers who only like playing one character at a time?

Personally, I wouldn’t consider myself a powergamer, and I can’t stand the system either – specifically for the same reasons as above.

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