World of Warcraft Stress Test Extended

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with news that the game’s stress test beta has been extended until this Sunday. Here are the full details:

We are extending the stress test beta to this Sunday and adding thousands of additional testers from the group of gamers that are currently on the closed-beta waiting list. Invitation emails have started going out to the new testers already. The stress test beta contest will continue on until the end of the stress test beta, at which time all stress test accounts will expire.

Please do not contact Blizzard to inquire about being added to the stress test beta; all the information needed, such as how to access the stress test beta, will be provided in the email going out to new testers.

Thanks to the stress testers, the development team has gained a great deal of information that is proving to be extremely valuable in the development of World of Warcraft. By extending the stress test beta, we will be able to gather even more useful data, which will help us ensure a smooth launch for World of Warcraft later this year. Thanks again, and we’ll see you online!

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