World of Warcraft Site Updates

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with some new lore about Murlocs and a preview of the upcoming v1.10 talent changes for Priests. A snip from the former:

Also, the murloc race may be far older than most believe. Several accounts and clues seem to substantiate this. In fact, it is now believed that murlocs (or, more appropriately, their ancestors) may even pre-date trolls. Of course these ancient murlocs lived in the oceans’ depths and therefore were never known to the world’s early land-dwelling races.

In the last few years, the vile naga have begun reemerging from their watery abodes, causing historians to speculate that their migration may have triggered the murlocs’ slow encroachment onto land. Some also guessed that the murlocs might be working in concert with the sinister amphibians.

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