World of Warcraft Preview

GameSpot has written up their final preview for World of Warcraft, now that the game’s closed beta test has ended. An excerpt:

Blizzard has continued to add little touches to the game’s presentation that have subtly enhanced the look and feel of Azeroth. For instance, a light-blooming effect quietly crept into a recent patch–you may be familiar with such effects from games ranging from Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time to Fable and Jade Empire. World of Warcraft’s implementation of this effect is less obvious than in those games, however, and we found it lends the highly diverse environments in the game an ethereal quality that helps bring them to life. The artists have also been filling in many of the little gaps that have been apparent throughout the beta. Most inventory items now have unique artwork, for instance, and all the different areas finally have hand-drawn maps that make it a lot easier to find your way around–especially in the cities, where each district is clearly laid out and labeled.

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