World of Warcraft Preview

Game Revolution has written up a preview of World of Warcraft, based upon some recent time with the game’s beta test. Check it out:

As with any MMORPG, the issue of Player vs. Player (PvP) combat is a big one. Some games removed it entirely (City of Heroes) while others let it go crazy (Eve Online). World of Warcraft just introduced PvP combat on a newer beta server and confined it to two forms: Duels and Horde vs. Alliance. Duels are fairly basic and can be declared between two People; winner kills the loser. Horde vs. Alliance combat is a bit trickier. The main areas for lower level characters are all declared safe spots. While the other side can venture in those areas, they can never be the aggressor. However, the majority of the land is contested, meaning that players are free to attack those of opposing forces. Eventually, PvP will be expanded further, with a suspicious looking Coliseum located in Orgrimmar.

There is no penalty for death in World of Warcraft, aside from the fact that you have to run back to your corpse. You do not lose items or experience when you die. If you make it back, you can resurrect in an area around your corpse, allowing you to hopefully avoid what just killed you. Alternately, you can choose not to make the run and take an experience hit, but it is almost never in your best interest to do so.

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