World of Warcraft Preview

GameOver has written up a preview of World of Warcraft, Blizzard’s MMORPG that continues to receive buzz from the ongoing beta. Check it out:

Since World of Warcraft is an action role-playing game, obviously you’re going to die every so often. So how does death work? Well, the game gives you a few options. You can turn into a ghost and return to your corpse. That will resurrect you, and you won’t lose any experience, but the (corpse run) might take you a while, and when you resurrect you’ll only have half health, meaning if you were in a dangerous situation when you died you might be in just as much trouble when you come back to life. You can also resurrect yourself at a (spirit healer.) That will return you immediately to life, but it’ll cost you 5-10% of the experience needed for your current level. Finally, some characters (priests, shamans) can resurrect characters with a spell. If you’re lucky enough to have such a character with you, then you can avoid the corpse run and the loss of experience altogether.

Ok, but what about your inventory? This is where World of Warcraft most resembles Diablo II. When you create your character, you start out with a backpack that can contain 16 objects. You also have four (slots) where you can put bags. Each bag can contain between 4 and 16 more objects, meaning you can hold up to 80 objects on your character. There is also a bank that can hold 24 objects, and banks have bag slots as well, but unlocking the slots gets wickedly expensive after the first couple. In all, you can potentially hold 200 objects per character, and while that seems like a whole lot, especially since some objects (like potions and herbs) stack, I somehow always find myself needing more room. (Of course, I’m cheap and I only unlocked two bags at the bank.)

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