World of Warcraft Leading Cause of College Dropouts

GamePolitics is reporting that FCC Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate has named Blizzard’s World of Warcraft as one of the leading causes of college dropouts. Since no real statistical information to back up the claim is given, I’m not sure how they arrived at the conclusion:

With the explosion of educational resources available online, one might think parents would be 100% pleased with the internet’s role in their children’s lives. But surveys show just the opposite: a late 2006 survey that showed 59% of parents think the internet has been a totally positive influence in their children’s lives– down from 67% in 2004.

You might find it alarming that one of the top reasons for college drop-outs in the U.S. is online gaming addiction – such as World of Warcraft – which is played by 11 million individuals worldwide.

I know Ultima Online lured me away from my studies more than a few times years ago, so it’s not like MMORPG distractions are anything new.

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