World of Warcraft Interview

IGN PC has conducted an interview with Blizzard’s Jeffrey Kaplan, in which the senior game designer talks about the past, present, and future of World of Warcraft. Here’s a bit to get you started:

Q: We imagine that World of Warcraft’s development was as epic as the resulting game. We’ve heard about how successful WoW is so far — we’ve seen the sales numbers and read about servers quickly reaching capacity. What’s the feeling around the Blizzard offices now that Azeroth is open to the public?

A: Providing our customers with the best service possible remains our overarching goal. So, our first priority is to ensure that our servers remain as rock-solid as possible. We’re also working diligently on our next big content update patch. The truth is, we really haven’t had the time to bask in the success of World of Warcraft’s release. From the moment we launched, the focus of our commitment shifted to supporting the game 24/7 as a live service.

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