World of Warcraft Interview

Eurogamer has published an interview with Blizzard’s Chris Sigaty and George Wang about the upcoming World of Warcraft European beta test, among other things. Here’s a snip:

Q: You’ve said before, as a company, that you view the community aspect as a real feature that adds value to the product. What sort of things will you be doing to nurture the community with World of WarCraft?

A: As far as community support goes, besides the actual in-game and offline support which is tech support or whatever and billing support and finally in-game GM support, we’ve actually hired community support managers in every region and they’re there to monitor websites, add content up there letting players know what’s going on, go through forums, help direct play and also create events specific to regions. Stuff like, on Bastille Day in France or something, we might have some event in-game and also we might have some online things that are specific to it, or even live events somewhere. Essentially just the involvement, and another thing is our live teams, although they aren’t specifically catering to any one region we do expect that those teams of people like the community support teams and community representatives will facilitate different support into the game that’s kind of required regionally. So if we get a strong cry from a very small area that says ‘it would be great if we had something like this, players have been crying for it,’ then our live team can add that in the next patch. That sort of stuff is really what we see as supporting the community at large.

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