World of Warcraft Interview

I read over on RPGVault that the German site GamesMania has posted an interview with Chris Metzen of Blizzard Entertainment about their upcoming MMORPG, World of Warcraft. If you’re like me and don’t speak German, there’s a translation posted here. A snippet from the English translation to follow:

    GM: How many elements from the earlier Warcraft games will you use?

    Chris: The World of Warcraft worlds are substantially larger and have more depth than the usual Orcs-against-humans-confrontations in the earlier Warcraft-startegy games. And then there is the already mentioned 3rd race, which the players don’t know yet. Aside from that we will practically take over everything from Warcaft: the units, the cities, the magic spells and the whole mythos from the Warcraft Universe. If you know Warcraft or Warcraft 2, then you will feel at home in World of Warcraft.

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