World of Warcraft Hunter Impressions

RPGVault has written up a two-page article that details their impressions of World of Warcraft’s newly added Hunter class. Check it out:

Reaching level 10 is something of a landmark. That’s when you become eligible to purchase the training that lets you turn wild beasts into companions. There’s more to pets than merely taming them. Each one has a happiness meter that falls as you use it, and rises when you feed it. It’s important to keep this high since a satisfied creature will do more damage in battle than a disgruntled one. Since pets will sometimes fall at the hands, claws or jaws of adversaries, you also learn to revive it. Also implemented is the first small part of a training system that will reportedly allow you to teach them various abilities. At the moment, the only one is a taunt called Growl that causes it to be seen as more of a threat. A loyalty factor exists as well. It’s difficult to say how it works, but if you keep an animal fairly happy, the rating improves.

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