World of Warcraft Forum Q&A

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with news of another Q&A about various topics in the game’s forums. A snippet:

Q: Does Blizzard have a team for designing world events, role-playing content, etc.?

A: We do have a world event team that will be in charge of maintaining and adding to the calendar of events that will span across the world. World of Warcraft is structured to have world events, contests and other social events regularly so that events can be experienced by all players. The event system, and the world event team that will run it, will ensure that players will always have something to do beyond the quests and activities that players participate in on a day-to-day basis. We don’t want to tip our hand just yet, but you can look forward to celebrating real-world and Azeroth-based holidays, world events like having a Human zeppelin raid The Crossroads, worldwide fishing contests and much, much more!

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