World of Warcraft Forum Q&A

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with news of a new Q&A about various topics in the game’s forums. Here’s an excerpt:

Will the game world evolve and change? Do you have any examples?

Yes, there will definitely be ways that players can affect the game world, and we have certain events that we plan to have players set in motion. One example would be the opening of the Dark Portal, which will entirely be a player-initiated event. We’ll also have periodic events that add to the ambiance of the world, like how we had fireworks for the 4th of July. Keep your eyes open, we’ll be adding more and more content as the beta progresses.

On a side note, according to this thread, Katricia, the game’s community rep, is no longer with the company – although there are no details as to why:

Hey everybody,

We just wanted to share the news with you that Katricia is no longer with Blizzard. She’s pursuing other opportunities, and we wish her the best. Please continue posting in the forums as normal. We continue to read each post and will do our best to keep you well informed of what’s happening in the game and why.

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