World of Warcraft Factions Editorial has put together a short editorial that explores the positive and negative aspects of the faction system in World of Warcraft. Check it out:

Battleground factions are another grind for players who want to PvP their way to the top. Not only are the PvP ranks difficult and competitive, but the faction rewards are far in the distance of the casual player’s reach. Playing a shaman I am very interested in the rewards given by Arathi Basin’s Defiler Faction. I continue to PvP and work hard with my guild to try and win as many instanced battles as we can. Still, in order to get these rewards you have to win a very high amount of battles. One player who had achieved exalted status in Arathi Basin told me it took him about four hundred victories to reach that point. I am certainly not saying he is accurate, but I think the number is considerably high to gain any of the rewards you may want to strive for. At least in the battlegrounds you are fighting against other players which add the element of change and surprise. In an instanced dungeon you are fighting the same foe over and over again. In Alterac Valley many players were able to gain faction in a reasonable amount of time because the point rewards for winning a battle were much higher. This however does not seem to be the case with Warsong Gulch or Arathi Basin.

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