World of Warcraft: Born to Die

IGN PC continues their set of articles that explore the four Alliance races in World of Warcraft, with the fourth installment detailing the Human. It’s called “Born to Die”, with a snippet to follow:

I mean, I have a couple special attacks. There’s the Sinister Strike, which adds 3 damage to a regular attack. And once I initiate that, this opens up Eviscerate, which will do 8-12 damage right off the bat. The more combo attacks I string together, the more damage Eviscerate does. I also “borrowed” a new blade, and have upgraded all my armor as well. I look like Robin Hood, with my crazy green threads, but hopefully I can get my hands on something a little beefier before my buddies back at Stormwind catch me. A man’s gotta have standards, you know. Can’t have anyone spreading rumors. That just means more people I have to “eliminate,” and that can get messy.

What’s cool is that I have all kinds of things I can wear, beyond the usual boots, gloves, shirts, and pants. You also have belts, bracelets, rings, earrings, capes, bracers, shoulder armor, undershirts, necklaces, and helmets. As a Rogue, I can only wear leather armor, for now, at least, but I figure this means cheaper duds in the long run. And as I level up, my defense and armor ratings increase anyway.

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