World of Warcraft: Born to Dance

IGN PC continues their set of articles that explore the four Alliance races in World of Warcraft, with the third installment detailing the Gnome. It’s called “Born to Dance”, with a snippet to follow:

As a mage I prefer not to press against the smelly flesh of my enemy and go head to head (well, head to chest) with them. I mean, I can handle it when I have to but, as a mage, I find it much more convenient to sit back and let a few long-range spells make my point. In my quests to recover ribs, hides and teeth for the perverse craft projects of the dwarven people (I help them only because it serves my purposes, you understand) I’ve had to make use of a variety of spells.

The old standby in my book is the fireball. In the frozen environments that my poor victims are used to, the sight of a flaming ball hurtling through the air towards them is enough to dishearten even the staunchest foes. Imagine how much more disheartening it is when the ball makes contact. That singed fur smell is damned demoralizing, particularly when it’s your own!

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