World of Warcraft Battlegrounds Review has kicked up a review of World of Warcraft’s Battlegrounds, just as the game nears its first anniversary. Their final paragraph:

In conclusion, is the World of Warcraft PvP system perfect? No, there are plenty of loop holes to exploit. Is the game fun? Yes, like any other online game you get out what you put in. If you are disappointed in the Battlegrounds, try going to an area and starting trouble, create your own fights, or join a guild that randomly PvPs all the time. I hope we see more improvements from Blizzard in the future with respect to rankings and Battleground availability. A great suggestion that came to me was to open an entire zone for random PvP where you could earn rewards and gain bonus honor without entering an instance dungeon. Another idea would be to have consequences for actions in PVP. Not only to your players but to your faction as well, this would at least off set the many rewards that players fight for. Hopefully with these types of options Blizzard will add to the spirit of PvP in World of Warcraft.

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