World of Warcraft Ahn’Qiraj Instance Preview

Blizzplanet has put together a lengthy preview of World of Warcraft’s upcoming Ahn’Qiraj instance, which includes details about the very first battle with Ossirian the Unscarred. A snip:

We finally started to engage this final boss named Ossirian. Soon as we heard him yell: “Sands of the desert, rise and block out the sun!”, we knew this guy meant business, and that we were up to a spanking session. Blizzard really brought a challenge in Ahn’Qiraj instance. This is not the typical beat till it dies boss. He looks like the Egyptian god Horus, son of Osiris and Isis with the head of an obsidian-stone Hawk. However, Ossirian has a circle that brights on his head, which looks like a sun. The god Ra — father of all gods — and grandfather of Osiris’ parents Geb and Nut, is the god of the sun and has a hawk-head and a sun on his head.

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