World of Warcraft Account Bannings

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with two announcements that the company has banned accounts that have been found using “bots” and speed hacks in the game. Here’s the latest announcement:

We have recently verified that certain individuals were using third party “bot” programs to automate their characters in World of Warcraft. A bot is used to play an account non-stop, allowing its user to accumulate money, items, and experience without actually requiring the user to be physically present to play the game. The use of bots is a violation of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use and is absolutely prohibited. Therefore, the accounts identified as having used bots have been banned.
Blizzard Entertainment is committed to maintaining an environment of fair play in World of Warcraft. As stated previously, the company has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating or hacking of any kind. Players caught using a bot program to automate any of their characters’ actions will have their characters removed and their account banned. They will not receive a warning. Over 300 accounts have already been banned for offenses of this nature.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If you suspect someone of using a bot, or wish to report other instances of cheating, please email us at or submit a GM ticket in-game. Thank you again for your continued support.

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