World of Darkness Will Feature a ‘Poetic’ UI

PC Gamer brings us another snippet from their conversation with CCP’s creative director on the upcoming World of Darkness MMO, and this time has details on the UI. Specifically, it won’t be “abstract” but rather “poetic”:

PC Gamer: But it’s going to look like a standard MMO interface, right?

Reynir Hardarson: It’s a bit more poetic actually.

PC Gamer: Poetic?

(It’s not going to look like a game, it’s going to look, feel and play like a movie,) explains Reynir. (So the look and feel is very film noir and the interface elements are more like actual objects or something dream-like. We’re actually thinking (what is it?) These are perpetuating emotional states or actual items. And it’s not really fitting to have an abstract UI.)

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