World of Darkness Players Can Try Staying Human

As a result of a chat with creative director Reynir Harðarson during CCP’s Fanfest, PC Gamer is offering some details on the developer’s upcoming World of Darkness MMO. We’re apparently going to be able to stay human should we want to, although that comes with some strings attached:

PC Gamer: Are we all vampires? Can I just play as a human and not turn?

Reynir Hardarson: Yes.

PC Gamer: Will I be able to compete though? Will I be as powerful as the vamps?

Reynir Hardarson: No. Not as a non-immortal. Part of the transformation is that immediately you become a lot more powerful in different ways.

PC Gamer: So it’s a decision that players can make? (I’m don’t want to roll with those guys?)

Reynir Hardarson: Yes. The game begins when you die.

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