World of Darkness – Justin Achilli Interview

We recently got a chance to learn more about Paradox Interactive’s plans for their World of Darkness brand. These mainly include moving IP development in-house and establishing a publishing partnership with Renegade Game Studios.

But now, we can also check out this VentureBeat interview with WoD’s creative lead Justin Achilli where he clarifies a few things about this new approach and doesn’t outright reject the idea of a Paradox-developed WoD video game.

Here’s a couple of sample questions and you take things from there:

GamesBeat: Does this mean Paradox may make a World of Darkness video games in-house?

Achili: It’s entirely possible. That’s one of the great opportunities the World of Darkness has, in that Paradox can act as both publisher and developer. Either way, we’ll be able to work side-by-side with devs and creatives to help them realize their vision.

GamesBeat: Why make this change now?

Achili: There are a lot of really cool World of Darkness projects in the works right now, and bringing IP development in-house helps us be a better partner to those creatives, and makes the World of Darkness brand more valuable to them through greater consistency and authenticity. For example, we’re working with Fast Travel Games on Wraith: The Oblivion — Afterlife and the World of Darkness has never had a virtual reality title before, so our firsthand IP development lets them deliver a more authentic World of Darkness experience. This is great for keeping consistency among traditional media titles as well as ventures into new expressions of the WoD, such as the interactive audio story developed by Earplay, The Orpheus Device.

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Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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