Wizardry Online Previews

For those of you who have missed the announcement, or are simply interesting in knowing what little information about this free-to-play title we know so far, we have rounded up two new previews for Headlock’s Wizardry Online.

MMO Site seems to have some new information translated by a Japanese website:

Your name will turn red after becoming a criminal and you can freely wander around the slum then. As a paradise for criminals, the slum is located in a deserted block of a port city, in which players can fight against others at will and be attacked by others in the meantime. In a word, the slum is very dangerous. Additionally, a black market can be found in the slum, where various strange things are sold.

While RPGFan decides, as almost every other publication that covered the title, to put the spotlight on perma-death:

Yes, that’s right, Wizardry Online has permanent death. It has corpse looting. It has no PvP protection system – if you are outside of the town, you are free game to be murdered. There isn’t a PvE server. There isn’t anyone else you can trust. There isn’t any mercy in this game. Wizardry Online is a title that’s set to return to the roots of the MMORPG genre; old school MUD players like myself might remember dying to a boss, having it loot and wear all of your equipment, and all of a sudden you were totally screwed. That’s the type of game that Wizardry Online is aiming to be. The folks at Headlock feel that the genre has become one that coddles the player – there’s no real loss when you die; failure isn’t something that coalesces into a punishment in modern titles. Wizardry Online not only punishes you, but requires you to be on your toes – not only will there be monsters you can’t conquer on your own, the dungeons themselves will become your enemy as they’re labyrinthine and contain quite a few traps. Don’t expect automaps or pointers on where your quest objectives are, either. This isn’t World of Warcraft we’re talking about here.

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