Wizardry Online Preview

In case the idea of an MMO version of Wizardry appeals to you, you might want to read this preview from GameRant, which puts an emphasis on Wizardry Online’s level of challenge. Here’s a snip:

Wizardry Online is a challenging game, constantly forcing the player to measure risk and reward as any encounter could end one’s quest prematurely. That includes not only spars with thieves and monsters, but even the aforementioned chests might be booby trapped, creating a tense and dangerous atmosphere for the player. When they say last, they mean it too: permadeath is a possibility after defeat. Players will appear as apparitions, giving them a chance to find their corpses, but resurrection is not assured, and if that fails, time to roll a new character.

As if these morsels were not enough to worry even the hardest of the core, betrayal by other player characters is a constant concern. PKing (player killing) is allowed all throughout the world of Wizardry Online, with or without provocation. Once one player has murdered another player, they are free to steal from body and be on their way. Of course, there are always consequences, so once a player has murdered another player, they then become a target for everyone else. There is nowhere to hide in Wizardry Online.

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