Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls Reviews

We have rounded up three new previews for ACQUIRE’s old-school dungeon crawler, Wizardry: Labyrinth of Souls, starting with GamesRadar, which awards the title a 6/10 noting that no effort has been made to make the game more accessible to newcomers.

We’re sure this description is enough to send most players screaming for the hills, but no doubt there are some of you who read those paragraphs up there and cackled with masochistic glee. Congratulations! You are the very people for whom this game was made go out and download it. The rest of us are probably better off playing a game like Etrian Odyssey, which takes a lot of Wizardry-style elements and make them more accessible and palatable to a modern gaming audience. Labyrinth of Lost Souls, for better or for worse, just puts a new coat of paint over its old-fashioned trappings. Whether or not that’s something you actually want to play is entirely dependent on your personal taste.

The Next Level, 1.5/5.

Aside from some remarkable art, there is absolutely nothing that Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls offers that can’t be found elsewhere. While rare pieces of equipment have been part and parcel to multiple video game genres for a long time now, at least the good games had numerous ways of giving the player the ability to complete their tasks no matter how unlucky they are, and they didn’t have to do anything drastic like compromise their identity. With this game, though, you’ll likely find yourself frustrated and bored when you’re struggling to win battles because nobody is doing enough damage. All because some collection of algorithms with an axe to grind has determined you’re not worthy. Then again, you might also find yourself loving this game because the first rare monster you ran into dropped one of the most powerful swords, so now you can steamroll everything in the game. Of course, don’t be surprised then when you’re just as bored and frustrated as I but for an entirely different reason.

The Save Points, scoreless.

This is just a nice and fun retro-style dungeon crawling RPG. There’s nothing really bad about it. The difficulty is balanced, making characters is simple, there’s not too much grinding and it’s nice simple fun. There are low points, as I mentioned, but they don’t REALLY break the experience. It’s fun, it’s classic and it’s well worth playing, especially if you’ve been itching for a classic-style computer RPG (and you don’t have a DS to play Dark Spire/Etrian Odyssey).

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