Wizardry 8 Preview

IGN PC has posted up a preview of Wizardry 8, the RPG currently without a worldwide publisher (although nobody here at GameBanshee can figure out why, as it’s a great game). Check it out:

    There will be an extensive character creation system that will allow you to choose from 15 different races including humans, dwarves, elves, fairies, dracons, felpurrs, gnomes, hobbits, lizardmen, and mooks. Mooks? That’s a race? I guess so. Anyway the character system will allow you to create your team of six adventurers from 15 different classes including alchemist, bard, bishop, fighter, monk, lord, mage, psionic, ranger, ninja, priest, valkyrie, rogue, samurai, and the new class gadgeteer…
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