Wizardry 8: Designing Monsters

Here’s an important aspect of any game, any genre: building things you fight. Well, I suppose in my favorite genre there aren’t, per se, things that you fight. Video Uno. But hey, most of them. RPGVault posted (bulletin board style) a monster design diary from Wizardry 8’s Charles Miles, monster designer extraordinaire, with a selection of eye-pleasing screenshots. In his natural element, he wrote, and I quote:

For starters, the world of Wizardry is a big place. Like Johnny Appleseed, I wandered from place to place, scattering beasts and broadswords as I went. Yet covering the entire 3D game world was an adventure in itself, even using editing tools. I had to know each nook and cranny of every level – and there are dozens of levels, each one covering up to 6.5 million square feet of terrain.

Perhaps not the most informative extract, but certainly very readable (and my favorite bit besides) and something to tempt your curiosity, wouldn’t you say? Give in to the desire, just go and take a look.

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