Wish Preview

Lepidus from Mutable Realms let us know that GameZone Online has dished up a preview of their MMORPG, Wish. A snippet, as usual:

As a standard sword-and-sorcery RPG, Wish has taken the problem of armor and class balance in an entirely new direction. Any character can wear whatever armor they choose. Level and class are irrelevant, which might come as a surprise the first time you see a mage sprint by in plate mail with a shield.

Game balance comes in when you look at the speed penalties for wearing armor. Heavier armor has longer delays associated with it. Wearing a full suit of leather armor has a small delay. A full suit of plate mail has the largest delay in the game. The delay is reduced based on two things: the character’s agility score and their armor use skill. The agility and armor use are added together to determine how much of the delay is ignored. As part of the balance, some Classes and templates cannot get the armor use skill and use it.

Overall, Wish is already a very good game. It needs to finish going through the beta development to weed out bugs and make sure the game balance is correct, but unless something drastic changes, this will be a good game.

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