Wish Interview

Warcry has published a brief Q&A with Mutable Realms’ Dana Massey, in which the world developer discusses several aspects of their upcoming UMMORPG, Wish. Check it out:

Q: Will solo players find it more difficult to access the dynamic content than say grouped or guilded characters?

A: Wishâ„¢ is at heart a social game, and for Live Content to be at all practical, we must try to entertain the maximum number of players possible in a minimum of man hours. Thus, to an extent solo players will not find large and epic quests they can complete by themselves on their own timetable. That said, a solo player could easily find themselves playing an intregal role in a larger story. For example, a player could take on a small delivery quest where they are asked to take a note from one NPC to the other. Little do they know, that the note contains word of an invasion. Upon arriving at their destination, the NPC raises the alarm, and tells the player to gather a force and scout to the north. This quest would go on to entertain many people, but the solo player still played a key role, and is suddenly placed in a situation where they are surrounded by other players with common goals.

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